High School:(Required)

The responsibility of the School Advisor is to serve as a school and community liaison, collect data and report on participants and schools. School advisors develop relations with program participants to address needs of individual students, Program, target school and community. School Advisors monitor students to assure they meet the requirements of the Upward Bound Program via:

• Report and turn in copies of state standardized test scores (ACT & SAT scores)
• Collect and report schedules for all UB students
• Collect and turn in disability documentation (Individualized Education Plan/504 Plan)
• Assist with recruiting by collecting applications, completing a School Advisor form for each one, and collecting grades and test scores.
• Remind students of Challenge Session.
• Remind students to complete tutoring on
• Monitor students (at least twice per month) to ensure they are meeting UB requirements.
• Collect and turn in final end-of-year transcripts with unweighted GPA.
• Keep UB staff informed if a situation (academic, discipline, personal, etc.) arises involving a UB student.
Concerns or notes on students or tasks for the month of:(Required)
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
UB Staff Signature: _________________________
Date: ____________________