100% Funded by two Title IV grants from the US Department of Education totaling $799,156 (Pendleton/Pocahontas $309,505, and Randolph/Barbour/Tucker $489,651), project services are free to eligible students. Upward Bound is an Equal Opportunity in Education project that is in compliance with Title IX, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Age Discrimination Act and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national or ethnic origin, creed, ancestry, marital/family status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, religion, age, disability or blindness, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local law.
Inquiries regarding Title IX and the filing of a complaint should be referred to the College’s Title IX Coordinator:
Amy Kittle, Title IX Coordinator Phone: (304) 621-1316 Email:
[email protected]
For further information on D&E's notice of non-discrimination, please see https://www.dewv.edu/statement-of-nondiscrimination/
Student and Parent/Guardian
Davis & Elkins College Upward Bound Release for
I authorize the D&E UB Program staff to secure subsequent information or materials relative to my academic
status, performance and abilities in my school and throughout my academic endeavors.
I also understand that my signature gives permission for D&E UB to obtain academic transcripts, attendance,
discipline reports, progress reports, disability documentation, standardized test records, or enrollment status from
my high school or the school of postsecondary education that I am attending or have attended. This access is
intended to provide D&E UB the means to track my academic progress in accordance with the Program’s annual
reporting requirements determined by the U.S. Department of Education and to communicate openly with schools
and postsecondary institutions.
I also give permission for D&E UB to communicate with my parents or guardians regarding my academic,
financial, social and disciplinary status in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
I authorize the D&E UB to use photographs, likenesses, or video footage of me in publicity pieces including, but
not limited to, news releases, the Program’s web page, Facebook, or other social media. I also authorize UB to
use my name, high school, hometown or college(s) to be attended, and other future plans to accompany my
photograph or video image in publicity pieces.
I agree to provide proof of any information submitted to D&E UB, upon request. I also agree to inform D&E UB
of any changes in address, telephone number, medical issues, or guardianship.
My signature below gives permission for D&E UB to access my student’s transcripts and all school files and
records. My signature also gives permission for D&E UB to obtain academic transcripts, attendance, discipline
reports, progress reports, disability documentation, and standardized test records from the school my student is
attending or have attended. This access is intended to provide D&E UB the means to track and support my
student’s academic progress in accordance with the Program’s annual reporting requirements determined by the
U.S. Department of Education and to communicate openly with target schools, counties, and staffs.
I give permission for my student to use transportation provided by D&E UB throughout their UB participation. I
agree to assist with transportation, whenever possible. I understand staff will supervise students. I also give
permission for my student to participate in all UB activities. I knowingly and voluntarily assume all such risks,
both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence or fault of D&E UB, and assume full responsibility
for my student’s participation in the Program.
I authorize D&E UB to use photographs, likenesses, and video footage of my student in publicity pieces,
including but not limited to, news releases, such as those issued to local newspapers; publications, such as
newsletters; program recruiting tools, such as videos and brochures; and the program’s web page, Facebook, or
other social media. D&E UB also has my permission to use their name, high school, hometown or colleges, and
other future plans to accompany my student’s photograph or video image in publicity pieces. D&E UB will not
release specific street or mailing addresses, e-mail or phone numbers of participants.